Mysql Workbench Db Design Tool
This study will be demonstrated on how to conduct analysis and design in building a large and complex data base. The data in this study originated from the Attachment to the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration (Kepmenakertrans) No. 250/MEN/XII/2008, namely the attachment of AF, which consists of 800 tables of data. Due to the large data base which will be formed because so many tables involved then the process is required -the normalization process (functional dependence, Normal Normal First, Second, Third and Boyce-Codd) in forming a good database that can later be used for purposes further, for example, form a management information system and so forth.In the process DBMS MySQL and MySQL Workbench is a tool used to facilitate this process in shaping the Entity relational diagram. By utilizing these tools will help data base engineer in designing a good and normal data base. It is expected that the formulation of the data base will be used as a standard in designing applications of manpower information systems across the provinces in Indonesia.
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International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
DOI : 10.5121/ijcsit.2011.3515 173
Analysis and Design Complex and Large Data
Base using MySQL Workbench
Dedi Iskandar Inan
and Ratna Juita
Department of Computer Engineering, Papua State University, Indonesia
Department of Computer Engineering, Papua State University, Indonesia
This study will be demonstrated on how to conduct analysis and design in building a large and complex
data base. The data in this study originated from the Attachment to the Decree of the Minister of
Manpower and Transmigration (Kepmenakertrans) No. 250/MEN/XII/2008, namely the attachment of
AF, which consists of 800 tables of data. Due to the large data base which will be formed because so
many tables involved then the process is required - the normalization process (functional dependence,
Normal Normal First, Second, Third and Boyce-Codd) in forming a good database that can later be used
for purposes further, for example, form a management information system and so forth.In the process
DBMS MySQL and MySQL Workbench is a tool used to facilitate this process in shaping the Entity
relational diagram. By utilizing these tools will help data base engineer in designing a good and normal
data base. It is expected that the formulation of the data base will be used as a standard in designing
applications of manpower information systems across the provinces in Indonesia.
DBMS, MySQL, MySQL Workbench, Large Database, Normalization.
1. Introduction
1.1. Definition
Before discussing anything further about the database, here are some excerpts of what the data
base. According to Wikipedia [1], the database is a collection of information stored on the
computer in a systematic way so that it can be checked using a computer program to obtain
information from the database. Silberchatz et al [2] described the database as a set of data that
contains information on an entity. And according to Powell [3], the database is an
implementation or creation of physical database on a computer. While Sumathi [4] described the
database as a collection of data that relate to and have a certain meaning, which is stored
properly and can be accessed in various ways and sequences.
From descriptions above then in general it can be concluded that the database is a collection of
data items that are interconnected with one another which is organized by a particular scheme or
structure, stored on computer hardware and software to perform manipulation for a particular
purpose, for example in the system that tree/multiple-tier client-server architecture. Therefore,
the database is built in a certain way, namely the model database to facilitate the user in this
case is a human being as an end user to use them easily.
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
Figure 1. Client- server/tree-tier architecture [4].
Hence, it is required a management system to store and to access the data or information from
the database, called DBMS (Data Base Management System).
Figure 2. DBMS Capability [4].
1.2. The Important of Database
Currently almost all levels of human life have made use of data bases, for example in the fields
of business, education, law, health, sports, culture and so forth. Field - the field with various
subfields below have used the database to store all sorts of data, either directly or indirectly,
related to their daily work [4], for example in the field:
1. Banking: for storing customer information, account, transaction, credit, and so forth;
2. University: for storing information of students, faculty, staff, value, rank, etc;
3. Finance: to store information on sales, purchases, companies, bonds, etc;
4. Human resources: to store information about employees, salaries, taxes, insurance, etc;
All of which are stored in a DBMS has been ease of man as the end user to use them. Some of
the reasons for the importance of the database are as follows:
1. The database is one important component in the system information, because it is
fundamental in providing information.
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
2. The database determines the quality of information: accurate, timely and relevant.
Information can be said to be worth when the benefit is more effective than the cost to get it.
3. The database reduces duplication of data (data redundancy).
4. By applying database data relationships can be improved.
5. The database can reduce waste reservoirs outside.
Therefore, the database design is essential so that we can have a database that is effective in
design, efficient in processing, easy to manipulate. It is very highly supported because of the
cheapening of the price of storage media.
Figure 3. Price trends of data storage media [5].
2. Design Methods Database
2.1. Relational Database
The study of how to model databases in a graphical form which can be easily understood by
humans was first proposed by Chen [6] who later called the Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) is
the base model that describes the objectivity of the real world that consists of the objects base
called entities and relations between objects.
Because ERD diagram is a model that should be built first in the process of database design to
bridge between business objectivity of data available on the file system and data on the real
world before it made its data base in the DBMS, it is necessary step - a step in the process, as
following [3]:
1. Analysis controlling needs, namely the need to collect data, determine the type and size of
the data and determine the metadata or data about data. The process can also be done by
conducting interviews with users of such data.
2. Building the ERD of the data including the form tables including the attributes, relationships
between tables and normalization process.
3. Design of logic, which is forming the basis of data on the physical stage by writing down the
database using the syntax of SQL (Structured Query Language) on stage DDL (Data
Definition Language), i.e. create, modify and delete tables.
4. The design of the physical, i.e. write and store data bases that have been processed in stages -
stages prior to be stored in a DBMS.
5. Optimization of the data base, which form the index is good and right, change the table
engine if necessary and so the aim is to establish a data base can be used effectively and
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
Figure 4. Data on real world examples.
2.2. Normalization
After a needs assessment process and obtain information then the next step is to build the ERD.
But there are stages in the process of normalization to be followed. This is necessary because a
good data base, which was formed later, must meet the following criteria:
1. Database structure (tables - tables and the relationships among the table) that is more
2. The structure of each tables need to be made systematically and efficiently.
3. Needs a more efficient storage space. Because of the smaller size of the table it will be more
quickly process the data base that will be done.
4. In a relational database, data redundancy is unavoidable but should be kept to a minimum.
This will improve data integrity.
5. There is no ambiguity of data in all tables in the database.
However, the normalization process is not entirely a best solution that can be used to form a
good data base, for example in the data warehouse [3].
2.2.1. Fuctional Dependency (FD)
In forming the ERD then the designer must have been getting as much information as possible.
Examples of information obtained for use in the process of database design is a receipt, tables
data on the file system and so forth. To shape it into a table for use in the process of making the
rules FD ERD should be used [2] [3].
For example, given a table T that contains at least 2 (two) attributes A and B, can be described
as follows:
Table 1. Tabel T
Then the attributes that can be formed into:
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
which means that the functional A determines B, or B is determined by A. For that purpose, in
the table T there is, at least, 2 (two) values are the same if A then B will also be the same value
[2] [3].
2.2.2. Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
To get tables in the design process can then apply the rules of BCNF. From equation (1) above
can, using the BCNF, be said that the attribute A must be super key. If not then the table must
be composed again by following simple rules of BCNF [2] [3] [4] [5].
2.2.3. First Normal Form (1NF)
Form of normalization phase I met if a table is no longer has many attributes or attribute value
must be atomic. That means that these attributes must be the smallest element of an entity that
cannot be broken again [2] [3] [4] [5]. The following table will explain it:
Table 2. Schedule
In order for the table to meet the 1NF form the table should be decomposed to follow the rules
KF, into 2 (two) tables as follows:
Table 3. Lecture
Table 4. Schedule
2.2.4. Second Normal Form (2NF)
A table is said to have met the normalized form of the second phase if it has to meet 1NF and all
non-key attributes of primary (non-primary key) has the KF on the primary key attribute
(primary key)[2][3][4][5].
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
2.2.5. Third Normal Form (3NF)
The third form of normalization has the following stages: (a). Meets the second phase of
normalization (2NF) and (b). Every non-key attributes must not be dependent on other non-key
attributes [2] [3] [4] [5].
2.2.6. Degrees of Cardinality
The degree of cardinality is a level that describes a number of entities that are interconnected
through an associative relationship.
There are 4 (four) types of relationship cardinality:
(a). One to one, states that one entity in A is associated with only one entity in B and vice
(b). One to many, states that one entity in A is associated with more than one entity in B but not
vice versa.
(c). Many to one, the same as in (c) but reversed from B to A.
(d). Many to many, states that one entity in A is associated with at least one entity in B and vice
In the diagram, can be described as follows:
Figure 5. Degrees of cardinality
3. Research Metodology
Implementation of this process is done by using a database (DBMS) version 5.0.51b MySQL,
MySQL Workbench Version 5.2. CE and use the operating system Windows 7 on an Intel Core
™ 2 Solo 1.4 GHz, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, 800 MHz FSB.
Selection of MySQL because the MySQL DBMS has several advantages [7]:
1. Speed; Benchmarking it can be seen
benchmarks/, the performance comparisons of several existing DBMS.
2. Easy to use.
3. Support standard SQL Query Capability.
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
4. Level of connectivity and high security Portability.
5. Small Sized.
6. Pricing and Availability (Total Cost of Ownership is very small).
7. Code - the code is open source and distribution.
To facilitate the data base designer in establishing the ERD is an assistive MySQL Workbench
software used in this study. Therefore the applications were also built by the same developer
and are dedicated to working with the MySQL DBMS compatibility and excellent
interoperability. Both applications can be freely downloaded at the MySQL official site [7].
Figure 6. MySQL GUI Administrator
Figure 7. MySQL Workbench
3.1. Sources of data
Real data on the process of this study were obtained from Appendix A-F of the Decree of the
Minister of Manpower and Transmigratio
Republic Of Indonesia (KEPMENAKERTRANS)
No.250/MEN/XII/2008 about classification and characteristics data. This appendix shape table
consisting of more than 800 tables, which should be used by the Department of Manpower and
in local and central government to get information about employment in
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
3.2. Design Process
Functional dependency
At this stage, tables that already exist can be combined or separated by seeing his FD. For
example, given a table of appendix A part of education, as follows:
Table 5. Education by sex
Figure 8. ERD of table 5.
From the table shows that education and gender attributes for which data will be a string into a
separate table that consists of:
Education = {idpendidikan, education}
Gender = {idkelamin, sex}
Pendidikan_menurut_jeniskelamin = {education, gender, number}
First Normal Form (1NF)
Of the 3 (three) the result tables decomposition of the main tables above shows 1NF table has
been filled for Education and Gender, but not for Pendidikan_menurut_Jeniskelamin table.
Therefore there still exists redundancy data in that table then be decomposed again, becomes:
Education = {idpendidikan, education}
Gender = {idkelamin, sex}
Pendidikan_menurut_jeniskelamin = {education, gender, number}
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
Second Normal Form (2NF)
From the tables above it can be determined form the primary key of each table as follows:
Education = {idpendidikan, education}
Gender = {idkelamin, sex}
Pendidikan_menurut_jeniskelamin = {education, gender, number}, is a relation between
the tables of Education and Gender.
From Figure 8 shows that Pendidikan_menurut_Jeniskelamin table is a table of the relationships
among the tables of Education and Jeniskelamin. The new table is formed because the degree of
relation cardinality is many to many.
Third Normal Form(3NF)
From the tables that formed in 2NF, it has been seen that tables also meets 3NF so that 3NF
stage have been met.
3.3. MySQL Workbench
To apply the ERD that form on the physical stage, an application tool used to facilitate this, the
MySQL workbench.
With the help of this application then the process of forming the ERD can be directly applied to
the physical design stage. This course will facilitate the database designer in designing the
database and bring the results of the draft on the physical stage.
Figure 9. The design of the MySQL workbench
Table pendidikan_has_kel is many to many table relationship between tables education and
tables kel and therefore the relationship is forming a new table.
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
Figure 10. Normalized database based on Kepmenakertrans No. 250/MEN/XII/2008
From Figure 10 shows that more than 800 tables in appendix A to F Kepmenakertrans No.
250/MEN/XII/2008, have been normalized so there are only 33 tables form as a result of
normalization process.
4. Conclusion
From this study it can be concluded that the normalization process is very important in the
design process that must be considered by the designer of the database. This process must be
done before the database was set up in the physical design stage. It is intended that can be later
formed the atomic table, in other words, tuples/ records data that formed the atomic data.
Use of design tools, in this case is the MySQL workbench, helps designers build good, efficient
and fast database.
[1] Silberschatz-Korth-Sudarshan., (2001) "Database System Concepts", Fourth Edition, The
McGraw-Hill Inc.
[2] Powell, Gavin., (2006) "Beginning Database Design", Wiley Publishing, Inc. Crosspoint
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 5, Oct 2011
[3] Sumathi, S. and Esakkirajan, S., (2007) "Fundamentals of Relational Database
Management Systems", Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
[4] Lightstone, Sam., Teorey, Toby., And Nadeau, Tom., (2007) "Physical Database Design:
The Database Professional's Guide to Exploiting Indexes, Views, Storage, and More",
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann.
[5] Chen, P.P., (1976) "The Entity-Relationship Model: Toward a Unified View of Data",
ACM Transactions on Database Systems. 1976.
[6] (Verify access: March 29, 2011)
[7] (Verify access: March 25, 2011)
Dedi Iskandar Inan obtained his master degree
from University of Gadjah Mada in 2006 with Cum
Laude Graduation. His research interests
include Data Base, Data Ware house, Data Mining,
Information System, Web Technology and
Networking. He is highly involved in the
development of data base and information system,
especially web based, in Papua and Papua
Provinice in Indonesia. Education, Heath and also
Manpower web based information system in Papua
and West Papua office Provinces are few among
web based information system under his
supervisons. He also has publised many journal
and proceeding in web based technology topics.
Ratna Juita obtained his master degree from
University of Gadjah Mada in 2007. Her research
interests include Data Base, Data Ware house, Data
Mining, Information System. She also has
experiences in publishing journal in this area. She
got bachelor degree from Diponegoro University,
Semarang, Indonesia 2003,
... The diagram has been created using the Structured Query Language (MySQL) software [27]. In particular, the MySQL Workbench, which is a graphical tool for working with MySQL servers and databases, has been used to design the database model [28]. This tool enables the graphical creation and manipulation of a model establishing relationships between the tables, where each table represents a single entity. ...
PRIMAGE is a European Commission-financed project dealing with medical imaging and artificial intelligence aiming to create an imaging biobank in oncology. The project includes a task dedicated to the interoperability between imaging and standard biobanks. We aim at linking Digital imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) metadata to the Minimum Information About BIobank data Sharing (MIABIS) standard of biobanking. A very first integration model based on the fusion of the two existing standards, MIABIS and DICOM, has been developed. The fundamental method was that of expanding the MIABIS core to the imaging field, adding DICOM metadata derived from CT scans of 18 paediatric patients with neuroblastoma. The model was developed with the relational database management system Structured Query Language. The integration data model has been built as an Entity Relationship Diagram, commonly used to organise data within databases. Five additional entities have been linked to the "Image Collection" subcategory in order to include the imaging metadata more specific to the particular type of data: Body Part Examined, Modality Information, Dataset Type, Image Analysis, and Registration Parameters. The model is a starting point for the expansion of MIABIS with further DICOM metadata, enabling the inclusion of imaging data in biorepositories.
... We implement our approach with development environment Java Eclipse, we use as application server Tomcat 6.0 and MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE (Inan and Juita, 2011) to construct the users profile, with data warehouse snowflake schema, as shown in Figure 2. ...
... We implement our approach with development environment Java Eclipse, we use as application server Tomcat 6.0 and MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE (Inan and Juita, 2011) to construct the users profile, with data warehouse snowflake schema, as shown in Figure 2. ...
... We use MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE (Iskandar and Ratna 2011) to construct our user profile, with data warehouse snowflake schema, as shown in Fig. 6. User data profile acquisition does by filling the data forum, as shown in Fig. 7. Profile update comes after each query submission. ...
The database diversity and heterogeneity render the information discovery process a difficult and complex task. Vocabulary problems can make search results from traditional search engines irrelevant to users. For effective research, better knowledge of user behavior is important because users can participate in research design and construction. User profile has an important role in Web service selection, as it gives us a general overview of Web service requester. It is used in search engines so as to help to deliver with appropriate information to user's preferences, interests, or profile. In this paper, we present two points, namely (1) multidimensional user profile construction and (2) benefit of information stored in the user profile for Web service extraction, applied in social networks. The experiment shows that our method can recommend the needed Web services in a faster time and with significantly precision.
- P Rajasree
- T Padma
Till now, the project presentations are taken place in a class room with project team members, coordinator , guide and panel members. Through this, the student interaction with faculty is smaller extent because of fear in students. Hence, to increase the interaction we are introducing 'Project Guidance and Exploration System' web-application. This application will provide a platform for students to upload their presentations and for faculty to view the project presentation for analysis and can provide their suggestions. To implement Project Guidance and Exploration System web application, we use .net framework and Sql Server 2008. With the help of this web application, the student interaction with faculty will be increased and project analysis also performed through power point presentations of students.
- S. Esakkirajan
This book provides comprehensive coverage of fundamentals of database management system. It contains a detailed description on Relational Database Management System Concepts. There are a variety of solved examples and review questions with solutions. This book is for those who require a better understanding of relational data modeling, its purpose, its nature, and the standards used in creating relational data model.
A data model, called the entity-relationship model, is proposed. This model incorporates some of the important semantic information about the real world. A special diagrammatic technique is introduced as a tool for database design. An example of database design and description using the model and the diagrammatic technique is given. Some implications for data integrity, information retrieval, and data manipulation are discussed. The entity-relationship model can be used as a basis for unification of different views of data: the network model, the relational model, and the entity set model. Semantic ambiguities in these models are analyzed. Possible ways to derive their views of data from the entity-relationship model are presented.
Beginning Database Design
- Gavin Powell
Powell, Gavin., (2006) "Beginning Database Design", Wiley Publishing, Inc. Crosspoint Boulevard.
Physical Database Design: The Database Professional's Guide to Exploiting Indexes, Views, Storage, and More
- Sam Lightstone
- Toby Teorey
- Tom Nadeau
Lightstone, Sam., Teorey, Toby., And Nadeau, Tom., (2007) "Physical Database Design: The Database Professional's Guide to Exploiting Indexes, Views, Storage, and More", Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann.
Mysql Workbench Db Design Tool
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